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Clean Up Before and After Bukkake

Make sure to thoroughly clean your hair, face and body immediately prior to your bukkake session. The cleaner you start beforehand, the dirtier you'll look afterward. This is especially true of the hair. If you start the session with your hair in perfect condition - or even an elaborate hairdo - you'll really appreciate a good glob of goo on the scalp when the session is over.

As the session comes to a close, don't be in a hurry to clean all the ejaculate off. Take time to revel in the experience. Once you begin to cleanup, however, make sure to take a thorough bath and/or shower to completely remove all ejaculate. You don't want to find a crusty lump in your hair the next day. And ejaculate can imbibe a particular odor upon it's recipient after long enough.

Cunnilingus | © 2002 4 Bukkake